Turkiet har emellanåt beskrivits som en bro mellan öst och väst, men med Erdogan så har den bilden börjat spricka.
In the year 123 CE, during the reign of Emperor Hadrian, three strangers met at the Roman city of Ostia.
"Kina handlar för fulla muggar med Ryssland och utnyttjar den här situationen i hög grad till sin fördel."
As planet Earth continues to warm up as the climate crisis unfolds, a major transformation in the Arctic is underway.
Emerging into a globalised world, European leaders embraced the End of History as their mantra. It has never paid off.
A draft of EU Strategic Autonomy first appeared in 2016 as the “ability to act autonomously” when it is necessary.
"That's why we decided to join the BRICS."
Conversations on globalisation have insofar neglected the discussion on how the most fundamental, local forms of community organising have changed.
Jag sjunker ner på golvet bakom sovrumsdörren och andas tyst in den svala luften.
During 2023 I spent six months in Tokyo – peeking into Japanese society through an internship at the Swedish embassy.