Av Anton Golovko Hjälm TURKIET HAR EMELLANÅT beskrivits som en bro mellan öst och väst, ett land som ligger i
By Eric Axner-Norrman In the year 123 CE, during the reign of Emperor Hadrian, three strangers met at the Roman
Av Simon Davidsson Martin doktorerade från Handelshögskolan i Stockholm år 2009. Han har sedan dess bland annat blivit docent på
By Erik Carlqvist AS PLANET EARTH CONTINUES to warm up as the climate crisis unfolds, a major transformation in the
By Anton Golovko Hjälm THE END OF HISTORY theory dictates that all nations, in all parts of the world, are
By Quentin Machado PRESIDENT MACRON HAS ALWAYS championed the European Union’s independence. Personally convinced of a world order founded on
"That's why we decided to join the BRICS."
By Kate Gilbertson GLOBALISATION HAS INCREASED awareness of the greater world as communication and trade across borders have eased. In
Av Sofia Carlsson Jag sjunker ner på golvet bakom sovrumsdörren och andas tyst in den svala luften. Här verkar ingen
By Celine Hedin BUSINESSMEN IN BLACK SUITS walking by with hurried steps, students in uniforms with heavy backpacks and books