Take a moment to read some poems on the "Nuances of Peace", written by our contributors.
UF welcomed Dr. Isaac Taylor, Associate Senior Lecturer in Practical Philosophy at Stockholm University.
The first time I heard the word “troll army” (“trollfabrik”, troll factory in Swedish) I was 15 years old.
Radio UF discusses linguistic imperialism and how language can be viewed as a form of power.
Their tradition of protection and reinvigoration of their natural habitats are among the things that have made Costa Rica famous.
In the year 123 CE, during the reign of Emperor Hadrian, three strangers met at the Roman city of Ostia.
Jag sjunker ner på golvet bakom sovrumsdörren och andas tyst in den svala luften.
In a world where environmental and societal challenges are increasingly interwoven, having children is no longer a simple personal choice.
“Do you believe that the past can predict the future?”
Although democracy in Athens only lasted 200 hundred years, the achievements of this epoch still influence us to this day.