As the British people prepare for the EU referendum, lack of knowledge about the Union they might leave could determine its outcome.
The current system of accepting asylum seekers is damaging both refugees and the European Union.
Despite good intentions, tone-deaf support from abroad often hurts more than it helps the cause of the Russian LGBT community.
As world leaders meet in Paris to battle climate change, municipalities still play a crucial role.
Immigrationspolitiken. Det där ämnet som är ungefär lika uttjatat som en flerbarnsmorsa på föräldraledighet, och med rätta så.
Russia has weaponized energy, something that is now at the forefront of tensions with its European neighbours.
The Syrian Initiative Craftsmanship Ecovillage (SICE) aims to solve for migration problems.
In the latest spat of anti-globalization sentiments, people one both sides of the Atlantic are getting worried about the TTIP.
The 18th of April marked the global day of action against TTIP and TTP.
... ett nytt perspektiv på Ukrainakrisen