
Radio UF: Insights from Nagorno-Karabakh and the Sapmi

Radio UF produced many interesting episodes during the last semester. Here are three important highlights from the autumn.

Radio UF produced many interesting episodes during the last semester, which are all available on the “Radio UF” section of our website. Here are three important highlights from the autumn.

An Unfrozen Conflict: Nagorno-Karabakh (part 1)

Elisabeth Chadian, Armenian-French Political Science student (guest host), Kerstin Sigvardsson, Laura Andrea De Alba, and Oscar Hemborg (interviewer), broadcasters at Radio UF, interviewed Maria Persson Löfgren, SVT’s foreign correspondent in Russia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Rasmus Canbäck, independent journalist who has visited the region multiple times and written a book on the subject. They provided insights into the anatomy of the conflict, the role of external actors such as Turkey, Russia, and France. They also explored the human dimension of the crisis, the role of the diaspora, and the implications for the power balance in the region, to ain a comprehensive understanding of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict and its ongoing repercussions.

Listen to the podcast! (27.11.2023)

The Decline of Artsakh and the Rise of Nagorno-Karabakh (part 2)

Armenians know it as Artsakh, a region named after a great Armenian king, but the world knows it as Nagorno-Karabakh, meaning ”black land” in Azerbaijani. On September 28, 2023, over 120,000 people were forcibly displaced from this enclave in the Caucasus, leaving behind their belongings, homes, ancestors, and heritage. It is uncertain if they will ever be able to return. What does this mean for the Armenian community and diaspora? What does the future hold for the people and the region? In the second part of this audio reportage, with the help of Maria Persson Löfgren and Rasmus Canbäck, they explored the consequences for the entire population and the possible outcomes for the future. Elisabeth Chadian, French-Armenian political science student at Sciences Po, gave her insights into the conflict from the perspective of a member of the diaspora.

Listen to the podcast! (04.12.2023)

Paradoxes of Globalization: The Future of Globalized Sapmi

Laura de Alba and Kerstin Sigvardsson, broadcasters at Radio UF, delved into the intricate complexities of globalization and its consequences on Sapmi. Radio UF shed light on the controversial mining project justified as “public interest” by the EU’s energy transformation, despite the legal and social protests from the locals. Stefan Mikaelsson, deputy-chair at the Sami Tinget shared his perspectives on the effects of globalization on the Sami people and their culture.

Tune in to gain a deeper understanding of how globalization can both unite and exclude certain groups, as we examine the specific case of Sapmi in Sweden and Norway. Prepare yourself for an eye-opening discussion that uncovers the true consequences of a globalized world.

Listen to the podcast!

↓ Image Attributions

DSC_0402.1.visa.of.Nagorno.Karabakh” by Michael Wong // Licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0