By Malin Aspberg A battle is underway in American public schools. It’s a political one, and the combatants include everyone from governors and senators to students and their parents. The issue at hand is what’s being taught to the students, especially concerning classes on racial and sexual minorities. Nowhere, perhaps, is this battle as heated as in the state of…
By Malin Aspberg A battle is underway in American public schools. It’s a political one, and the combatants include everyone from governors and senators to students and their parents. The issue at hand is what’s being taught to the students, especially concerning classes on racial and sexual minorities. Nowhere, perhaps,…
Read MoreAv Malin Aspberg Internets utveckling från 1990-talet tills idag har varit minst sagt revolutionerande för mänsklig kommunikation. Aldrig tidigare har människor kunnat uttrycka sig och kommunicera så pass fritt världen över. Tidiga internetentusiaster, som poeten John Perry Barlow, framhöll just internets framväxt som skapandet av en allmänmänsklig plattform frikopplat från…
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