By Eric Axner-Norrman This is a fictional travel account from the equally fictitious Central European country of Transmontia, which recently became the first nation to give up its nationhood by a people’s veto. IF MANY PEOPLE inhabiting regions within the borders of current nations had their way, plenty more independent…
Read MoreBy Yan Yusef IN 2011, FRENCH POLITICIAN Marine Le Pen was elected to succeed her father as leader of the National Front (later National Rally) party. Her campaign consists of assertions that the people of France (by which she means those whose family history is entirely French) are being taken…
Read MoreBy Emma Hansson “ART IS NOT SUPPOSED to change the world, to change practical things, but to change perceptions. Art can change the way we see the world”. This is how the french artist JR gave grounds for his illegal street art exhibitions, such as his 2007 Face2Face project on…
Read MoreAv Gustav Lekfalk Efter att den amerikanska militären retirerade från Afghanistan år 2021 har talibanerna återtagit sitt våldsamma envälde över området. Under Afghanistankrigets gång har över 60 000 afghaner emigrerat till Sverige. Många av de som emigrerat lever idag ett liv i limbo då deras uppehållstilståndstatus ännu inte nått permanent status.…
Read MoreAv Elias El Manira Den 7 oktober vaknar jag med känslan av att jag inte vet tillräckligt. Det första jag gör varje morgon direkt efter det att jag vaknar är att kolla i mobilen, så jag har nog den känslan varje dag. Jag blir inte alltid klokare av detta, men…
Read MoreBy Ludwig Nordin THE BANNER OF THE SOVIET UNION waved proudly over the cities of Central Asia only 33 years ago. By that time, the countries of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan had been governed by Russians for over 100 years. The countries are now independent, but Russia has…
Read MoreBy Laura Andrea De Alba Huerta and Quentin Machado ON THE EVE OF THE 2016 US ELECTION, the republican candidate Donald Trump made his first international headline with his campaign promise to build a wall throughout the border with Mexico. During the last French election in 2022, the far-right candidate…
Read MoreBy Simon Davidson, with support from the UF Travel Group IN THE PAST MONTHS, news and social media have been flooded with pictures of soldiers, terrorists, and crying civilians. A brutal war goes on between Israel and Palestine, a conflict with roots from when the British ruled the area as…
Read MoreBy Simon Thernström THE FIRST TIME I heard the word “troll army” (“trollfabrik”, troll factory in Swedish) I was 15 years old. It had made its way into the yearly list of “New words” in the Swedish language curated by Språkrådet among others like “cosplay” and “mansplaining”. At first, I…
Read MoreBy Anton Golovko Hjälm WHEN THE BOLSHEVIKS dissolved the Constituent Assembly of Russia, they did so reasoning that the “will of the people” expressed itself through revolutionary action, rather than debates in parliament. Under the slogan “All power to the Soviets!” Vladimir Lenin proclaimed that to share power with an…
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