New relations with the US brings new opportunities – but worries about the uncertain future linger on.
As oil prices plummet, Saudi Arabia is facing a serious challenge in balancing its books.
Development in the east Cambodian region Mondulkiri comes with both opportunities as well as challenges.
Just like many other issues within foreign affairs this discussion many times comes down to economics.
Russia has weaponized energy, something that is now at the forefront of tensions with its European neighbours.
In the latest spat of anti-globalization sentiments, people one both sides of the Atlantic are getting worried about the TTIP.
The 18th of April marked the global day of action against TTIP and TTP.
Som en del av Master-kursen ”Man, society and the environment” vid Uppsala Universitet och SLU träffade jag en lärare.
Somewhere in this ambitious agenda lies a battered environmental policy.
Sweden is the latest European country to apply for membership of the new China-led development bank.