By Olof Fägerstam The current government in Sweden prides itself on being the world’s first feminist government. According to the government’s own definition a feminist government must work for gender equality both nationally and internationally. It is surprising, then, that the government has all but ignored reforming the system for refugee immigration, which is deeply flawed when it comes to…
By Olof Fägerstam The current government in Sweden prides itself on being the world’s first feminist government. According to the government’s own definition a feminist government must work for gender equality both nationally and internationally. It is surprising, then, that the government has all but ignored reforming the system for…
Read MoreAv Olof Fägerstam Finns det no go-zoner i Sveriges förorter? I en intervju för tjeckisk media i början av året påstod Katerina Janouch att det finns 55 no go-zoner i Sverige där polisen är rädda för att operera. Hennes uttalande ledde snabbt till debatt i Sverige, och bland andra Aftonbladets…
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