In a lecture held the 6th of March 2024, Henning Melber, a German-Namibian professor specialized on African decolonization and Director Emeritus at the Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation, provided us with interesting (and often forgotten) insights about the German colonialism and the Namibian perspective. In the early 20th century, imperial Germany stood…
Read MoreThe Radio discusses current and future tourism in the light of the climate crisis in South Asia, as it is one of the places where the threat of environmental changes due to the climate crisis are significant. The episode emphasizes three different examples of tourism in South Asia and how…
Read MoreBy Samia Jemal & Simon Thernström The Ethiopian Ambassador in Sweden, Mehreteab Mulugeta, visited the Association of Foreign Affairs to speak about recent talks of Ethiopia’s inclusion in BRICS. Uttryck met with the Ambassador to discuss the broader implications for local development and global geopolitics that Ethiopia’s BRICS membership entails.…
Read MoreBy Stefano Cisternino More and more studies are finding that protecting IPLCs’ lands (Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities), which are often crucial carbon sinks in certain regions, is essential to achieving the goal of the Paris Agreement to keep the global temperature rise to less than 1.5 °C (2.7 °F)…
Read MoreBy Eric Axner-Norrman AT THE END of the Second World War, when Nazi Germany stood defeated, it is said that the capitulating Hermann Göring, high commander of the Luftwaffe and one of the top dogs of the Third Reich, compared war with a game of football – after the game,…
Read MoreBy Sara Lannebo When you think of wine producing countries, chances are high that countries like France, Italy, or Spain come to mind. After all, they are among the top in exporting high quality wines. But while these countries undoubtedly make delicious wine that have both cultural and historical impact…
Read MoreBy Axel Falk In one of the driest corners of the world, “the left foot of Africa”, an anomaly has risen, muchto the hopefuls of a world in peace. Namibia has done right where so many have done wrongand now stand on the top of a hill, looking down on…
Read MoreAv Jakob Ranglin Grissler En rapport av tankesmedjan Frivärld visade nyligen hur Kinas ambassad i Sverige bytt taktik från att bemöta kritiker offentligt till att kontakta dem personligen med explicita hot. I mitten av september uppmanade ett flertal tankesmedjor Utrikesdepartementet (UD) att kalla upp Kinaambassadören Gui Congyou för tillrättavisning. Kinas…
Read MoreBy Michelle Sara Gano The world is suffering from more outbreaks than the Covid-19 pandemic. Another eruption that spreads quickly, affecting many individuals simultaneously, is the pandemic of global hunger. Further is the pandemic of worldwide gender inequality. Both need to end, in order to reach sustainable global security –…
Read MoreBy Lycke Holmén Many government programs have aimed to tackle America’s ‘food deserts’ — poor urban or rural areas in which a significant portion of the population have limited access to fresh produce and affordable healthy food options, leading to less nutritious diets and increased obesity rates. With the low…
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