By Robert Andersson In valley of excitement filled,On the path, you are thrilledToward the steep rise, glacier top,Until finished, never stop Sun is blazing on the hill,Looking down, but up you willThe view is better from the sky,No time to rest, move on, good bye On wall of stone, you…
Read MoreBy Lycke Holmén As countries begin to roll out vaccination campaigns, the end of the pandemic is finally in sight. But with rich countries hogging up to four times the doses necessary, poorer countries are left scrambling. In February, South Africa became the first sub-Saharan country to distribute its first…
Read MoreBy Carl Naylor “Nobody owns anything but everyone is rich – for what greater wealth can there be than cheerfulness, peace of mind, and freedom from anxiety?” Thomas More’s words share a striking resemblance to Karl Marx’s concept of utopian socialism, which today is perhaps most evident in the legacy…
Read MoreBy Rine Mansouri In a speech at the 75th session of the United Nations General Assembly, Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party, made an announcement that took the world by surprise. “We [China] aim to have CO2 emissions peak before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060”.…
Read MoreBy Egil Sturk In his short story Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius (1940) Jorge Luis Borges imagines a secret 17th-century society of scholars called Orbis Tertius, akin to the Rosicrucians and Freemasons, dedicated to the creation of a new country: Uqbar. This secret society consists of idealist rationalists like George Berkeley,…
Read MoreBy Nele Popp The United States of America is often considered the world’s first modern democracy. But on the 6th of January this year, it witnessed maybe one of its darkest hours. Whoever denied that Trump’s reign led to an overall decline in democratic values was served the final exhibit.…
Read MoreAv Desirée Granath Twitter och Facebook är båda exempel på sociala medier som de flesta av oss använder dagligen. Såväl Twitter som Facebook skriver under flikarna About att de vill ge människor “a free and safe space to talk” och “bring the world closer together”. Detta kan anses vara en…
Read MoreBy Amanda Winberg Since the popularization of the concept in Sir Thomas More’s famous essay Utopia from 1516, the idea of a utopian society has come to signify a paradox in political thinking. Whilst the word “utopia” indicates a situation in which the preferred political ideals are finalized, it must…
Read MoreAv Linus Wahlberg & Simon Norin Finns det rätt och fel? Finns det bra och dåliga beslut? Är vissa samhällen bättre än andra? För att påstå att det kan finnas ett sant idealsamhälle, en utopi som alla delar, verkar det som att dessa frågor måste besvaras, för vilket man måste…
Read MoreBy Per Risberg The word “utopia” is made out of two greek words: ού, meaning nothing, and τόπος, meaning place. So basically a utopia is a nothing place, or nowhere place. The creator of the word is Sir Thomas More, who invented it for his novel conveniently named Utopia. In…
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