By Nikolas Spanoudakis The globalisation has definitely changed our world in many aspects. In fact, the rise of the internet along with the increasing transport connectivity have made the creation of international communities or organisations possible which have never been imagined before the last century. Nowadays you can connect to…
Read MoreAv John Öberg I den finska staden Rovaniemi sägs tomten bo med sin familj. I Rovaniemi finns också Finlands nordligaste järnvägsstation – men det kan det snart bli ändring på. Det finns storslagna planer på att etablera en ny järnväg mellan Rovaniemi och norska Kirkenes. Infrastrukturprojektet har skapat starka motsättningar.…
Read MoreAv Fredrik Nilsson I början av året tog visselblåsaren Christopher Wylie kontakt med The Guardian i London med bevis som skulle knyta den politiska konsultfirman Cambridge Analytica till olämplig hantering av miljoner av Facebookanvändares personliga information. Cambridge Analytica hade kommit över miljontals Facebook profilers personliga data som de officiellt hade…
Read MoreBy Sakke Teerikoski In Spring 2018, South African grassroot activists Liz McDaid and Makoma Lekalakala were rewarded the Goldman Prize for stopping an unlawful nuclear deal of the South African government through a long court process. This was just one of many twists in the long series of corruption allegations…
Read MoreBy Naomi Boulter Imagine walking through a bustling street. You’re excited to begin a volunteer opportunity working with disadvantaged children, rescued wildlife, or other notable cause that tugs at your heartstrings. You idly check your phone to see that the crowdfunding initiative you donated money to has almost reached its…
Read MoreBy Karen Ramirez The Supreme Court of the United States has frequently been featured in the news this fall in relation to the nomination and subsequent confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh. For those who are not familiar with how the Supreme Court functions as an institution, the amount of attention…
Read MoreBy Celine Hedin The Taiwanese and Chinese government have for decades claimed to be the legitimate representation of “China.” Functioning as an independent country while mainland China claims dominion over it, Taiwan’s current political situation and status is precarious in many ways. The People’s Republic of China’s current rise on…
Read MoreAv Felix Hasselblad Nittonhundratalet ses ofta som ett århundrade då många länder blev fria från sina totalitära överhuvuden, inspirerat av tankar från upplysningstiden. Tanken var då att all legitim politisk makt skulle vara representativ och baserad på folkets samtycke. Kungens och kyrkans makt skulle underordnas folket. Demokratin skulle försäkra folklig…
Read MoreBy Nickella Jose “Svenska eller engelska?”(Swedish or English), for some, the most assuaging and for others one of the most disquieting question one could be asked. Being able to communicate in Swedish entails the privilege of choice, freedom, the ability to earn money, to get a formal education, to understand…
Read MoreBy Danni Portocarrero This story began at a kitchen table in Kathmandu. A curious woman named Rita was in a storytelling mood and the rest of us were more than happy to listen to her adventures. “Did I tell you about the time I wanted to see if I could…
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