By Yan Yusef IT IS HARD TO DISAGREE that the past century was the most eventful one in modern history. The world has seen too many ups and downs over the past hundred-plus years. Two world wars, the emergence of fascism, the rise and fall of the Nazi regime in…
Read MoreBy Viktor Hellblom “YOU ARE TALKING about a finance minister, but more than that someone who’s got something to say about the future of the world and the future of Africa”. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala is a widely praised development economist with a background as finance minister and foreign minister of Nigeria,…
Read MoreBy Simon Thernström IT’S THE 5TH OF MARCH 1957. The sun rises and shines its light on the country known as “The Gold Coast.” In less than 24 hours, the Gold Coast will receive a new name. As midnight beckons and the 6th of March approaches, Kwame Nkrumah will step…
Read MoreBy Quentin Machado “War is always the sanction of failure.” As the Middle East threatens once again to turn into a blazing fire, one may be tempted to opt for escalation, a solution deemed mightier than diplomatic wandering. The warning is indeed seldom listened to: leaders often recognize its wisdom…
Read MoreBy Joseph Ejnelind FEW NATIONS HAVE EXPERIENCED as many radical U-turns in its defence policy in such short a time as Sweden. The most recent of these U-turns is seeing the Ulf Kristersson government spearheading military rearmament and the building of a more resilient civil society. The Total Defence (Totalförsvaret) is…
Read MoreBy Eric Axner-Norrman CHAOS. This disyllabic word probably sums up better than any other how many Russians would describe the entire first decade of the modern Russian Federation. The man who took Russia out of the Soviet era and into the new millennium, Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin (1931-2007), has come to…
Read MoreBy Colin Campbell “Canning… That is a name never to be mentioned, I am sure, in the House of Commons without emotion.” GEORGE CANNING was born on the 11th of April 1770 in London. His father, a failed businessman and his mother an actress, Canning was taken under the wing…
Read MoreBy Anton Golovko Hjälm HENRY KISSINGER died on the 29th of November 2023, at the grand age of 100. The moment the synapses of his brain stopped firing a gigantic outpouring of acclaim was triggered, as the news-media filled with politicians and statesmen praising his unparalleled genius. Secretary of State…
Read MoreAv Anton Golovko Hjälm DEN EUROPEISKA UNIONEN är ett nätverk av politisk och ekonomisk natur som sträcker sig över en kontinent. Dess syften är ädla: den ämnar att föra länder närmare varandra. Öppna gränser och sänkta barriärer tillåter ett korsande och tvärsande utbyte av varor, människor, idéer. Regelbundna möten och…
Read MoreBy Eric Axner-Norrman This is a fictional travel account from the equally fictitious Central European country of Transmontia, which recently became the first nation to give up its nationhood by a people’s veto. IF MANY PEOPLE inhabiting regions within the borders of current nations had their way, plenty more independent…
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