By Melinda Nilsson On January 20th, president-elect Trump was inaugurated, and officially became the 45th president of the United States. The following day, four million people worldwide attended women’s marches, many in protest of the new president. With all the controversy in Washington (and Mar-a-Lago), it can be hard to…
Read MoreAv: Cassandra Andersson Under min resa i USA hösten 2016 följde jag det amerikanska presidentvalet på nära håll. Hillary Clinton klev snabbt fram som demokraternas presidentkandidat och fick från start höga siffror i opinionsmätningarna. Hon gick in i valet med en gedigen erfarenhet som både senator och utrikesminister. Republikanerna överraskade…
Read MoreBy Fredrik Thorslund “Next to shooting indigenous peoples, the surest way to kill us is to separate us from our part of the Earth.” – Hayden Burgess, Hawaiian attorney and activist They started appearing by the end of October last year – at first, sporadically, ominously, like gray hairs by…
Read MoreBy Vendela Runold He says it almost in passing, one among many of his throw away comments. It is February 2016 and the world is slowly coming to terms with the fact that Donald Trump is truly in the race to become the Republican Party’s candidate for the American presidency.…
Read MoreBy Massimo Mullen-Lambert Fighting the imminent climate crisis is a battle we all must join, but one group is on the frontlines. Despite being ignored by the mainstream media, they refuse to surrender. Indigenous peoples are the populations most affected by both human-caused environmental disasters and climate change. Because many…
Read MoreBy Melinda Nilsson Donald Trump has finally been inaugurated, after months of post-election controversy. Since he was announced president, we have seen many outbursts on Twitter, controversial phone calls, and an executive order banning immigration from certain predominantly Muslim countries. Due to the resistance from Republican senators to confirm Barack…
Read MoreAnton Rosén In 2013 Iran seemed to be collapsing. With rising inflation, decrease in value of its national currency, a rising unemployment peaking at 13% and low crude oil prices, the country’s political elite was faced with the unforgiving reality of what international sanctions and bad reforms lead to in…
Read MoreBy Cassandra Andersson Under tre månader reser jag runt i Florida för att följa det amerikanska presidentvalet. Florida är en vågmästarstat, en stat av stor betydelse för valet. På min resa har jag mött alla slags människor, blivit hembjuden på thanksgiving och fått höra historier som både värmer och skär…
Read MoreDen kommande amerikanske presidenten Donald Trumps sätt att uttrycka sig har kritiserats på många sätt för att vara rasistiskt, sexistiskt och för att dra ner det politiska samtalet till en bottennivå. Hans svårtolkade utfall om Nato sänder chockvågor som når långt utanför landets gränser, och kan komma att förändra den…
Read MorePolitical Dramas on Both Sides of the Pacific By Magnus Lundström One could safely say that the rest of the world was in a state of shock. All opinion polls turned out to be wrong, and when the smoke and dust from the battlefield was settling, the real-estate billionaire, Donald…
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