Joe Biden fick frågan om USA kommer försvara Taiwan vid en kinesisk invasion. Biden svarade med ett tydligt ja.
Av Caroline Bark Många talar om USA som ett väldigt polariserat land där retoriken mellan republikaner och demokrater växt sig
Året är 2021 och halva jordens befolkning har fortfarande inte rätt till sin egen kropp. Idag utgör världens kvinnor 50%
By Lycke Holmén Many government programs have aimed to tackle America’s ‘food deserts’ — poor urban or rural areas in
By Aland Khalid There are a plethora of problems facing the country of Haiti each and every day, with the
By Nele Popp The United States of America is often considered the world’s first modern democracy. But on the 6th
By Oscar Jablon A recent report released by U.S. congresswoman Katie Porter showed that big pharmaceutical companies create monopolies to
By Robert Andersson The new President of the United States, Joe Biden, has quite a different image than hispredecessor. John
How does the American electoral system work? What is voter suppression? How is COVID-19 affecting the Presidential Election? Broadcast 2020-10-29
The United States is more polarized today than it has been for decades. This year’s massive protests against racism, and