Words vs. Weapons: Dominique de Villepin’s Address Against The Iraq Invasion


By Quentin Machado “War is always the sanction of failure.” As the Middle East threatens once again to turn into a blazing fire, one may be tempted to opt for escalation, a solution deemed mightier than diplomatic wandering. The warning is indeed seldom listened to: leaders often recognize its wisdom…

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Counterterrorism and political consolidation: Egypt’s silent war on the Sinai


By Daniel Demitz-Halin SINCE THE MID-2010s, Egypt has faced a growing insurgency in the northern provinces of the Sinai Peninsula. The insurgency initially emerged as a grassroots, Sunni-jihadi movement born out of the historical marginalization of the Bedouins populating the Sinai, but is today a movement that is aligned with…

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