In this episode in collaboration between Radio UF and UF’s Debate Club, the question that is up for debate is whether or not Sweden should join NATO. The debate club discusses the Swedish neutality, alternatives to a military alliance and the current threats towards Sweden. Listen to the podcast! (05.02.2024)…
Read MoreRadio UF produced many interesting episodes during the last semester, which are all available on the "Radio UF" section of our website. Here are three important highlights from the autumn.…
Read MoreAv Simon Davidsson Martin doktorerade från Handelshögskolan i Stockholm år 2009. Han har sedan dess bland annat blivit docent på institutet för Ryssland- och Eurasiensstudier vid Uppsala universitet. Han tillbringar i dagsläget sin huvudsakliga tid som biträdande chef för Centrum för Östeuropastudier vid Utrikespolitiska institutet (UI), där han varit verksam…
Read MoreBy Anton Golovko Hjälm THE END OF HISTORY theory dictates that all nations, in all parts of the world, are on a natural, if slow-moving, trajectory towards freedom and liberal democracy. Emerging into a globalised world, European leaders embraced this disputed theory as their mantra and adjusted their actions accordingly…
Read MoreBy Quentin Machado PRESIDENT MACRON HAS ALWAYS championed the European Union’s independence. Personally convinced of a world order founded on multilateralism and the “Strategic Autonomy” of the Old Continent relying on increased capabilities, the first diplomat of France travelled restlessly around the globe to promote his standpoint on all occasions,…
Read MoreThe UF Travel Group here provides a summary of their last journey in the Mediterranean, in Autumn 2023. They were also interviewed on Radio UF for the episode “Anecdotes from the Mediterranean,” that you can listen here. DURING THE AUTUMN the travel group traveled to Cyprus and Athens. On Cyprus…
Read MoreIt’s been well over a year since Russia started its brutal war in Ukraine. Alongside changing the entire course of world history and shattering the illusion of peace in the world, it also changed how we perceive news. Many of the Gen-Z or Millennial generation who were born in Europe…
Read MoreBy Carl Sjölin Fagerlind Architecture is the most important art form. This assertion will surely make many readers either fume or squirm, but if one values art by its impact on the human mind and ability to convey its message, how could any other expression compare to the constructions that…
Read MoreAv Jonas Nilsson “Ni lever i ett fascistiskt land, i Fjärde riket, som redan helt öppet bedriver en fascistisk politik med koncentrationsläger och tortyr i det egna landet och startar ett aggressivt, fascistiskt angreppskrig mot ett främmande territorium, ni bär foton av era ockupantförfäder, den röda fascismens soldater, samtidigt som…
Read MoreIn the modern Western World, our model of democracy is highly valued and defended. This system of government famously owes a great debt to the Ancient Greek city of Athens. Yet ancient Athens was originally only one among a thousand autonomous city states, each with their own form of government. …
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