Yeltsin has come to personify the harsh shock therapy that the Russian people had to endure.
"Canning… That is a name never to be mentioned, I am sure, in the House of Commons without emotion."
Essayist, journalist, political advisor, MEP, how Raphaël Glucksmann hopes to win votes by doing "everything at once".
The authoritarian turn undertaken by the Georgian government was met with mass protests on the streets.
A quest for balance is something natural.
UF Uppsala Travel visited Oslo and its surroundings in May 2024. They provided Uttryck with some insights from their weekend.
Illiberal demokrati innebär främst en ombalansering av staten och civilsamhället.
This is a fictional travel account from a country which recently became the first nation to give up its
The most recent data indicates that the prevalence of populism is quite close to its 30-year peak.
In more than a half-century the island of Cyprus has been divided in two, with no man's land in between.