The Committee of Soldiers' Mothers played a crucial role in advocating for Soviet women and soldiers in Afghanistan
– and beyond.
Central Asia contains enormous reserves of natural resources, and is key to China's 'march westwards': capturing the New Silk Road.
The UF Travel Group visited Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan in April 2024. They provided Uttryck with the journal of their adventures.
UF welcomed Karl Yves Vallin, Managing Director at RFSL Utbildning, a Swedish NGO.
Taiwan can be seen as a main point of focus in the global struggle between democracy and authoritarianism.
Efter att den amerikanska militären retirerade från Afghanistan år 2021 har talibanerna återtagit sitt våldsamma envälde över området.
The banner of the Soviet Union waved proudly over the cities of Central Asia only 33 years ago.
The Radio discusses current and future tourism in the light of the climate crisis in South Asia.
The program was a chance to gain insights into Japan, and made me reflect on cultural diplomacy and soft power.
During 2023 I spent six months in Tokyo – peeking into Japanese society through an internship at the Swedish embassy.